My Top Asian Pop Songs (30-21)

We are really getting close the my absolute favourite songs!!!  I have really enjoyed making this list not only for you guys, but also for myself.  It has allowed me to really figure out which songs have stood out over the years, some were obvious choices and others shocked me.  Some old songs; some new songs.  Either way, I challenge you guys to make a list like this too!^^

30. The Baddest Female – CL (2013)

CL seriously SLAYS when it comes to being a badass; she is probably the most badass girl in K-Pop if not the world.  Her confidence and presence is just fantastic – this is why I want her to break into the western market, but so far this has not happened despite signing with Scooter Braun (Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande’s manager).  Despite all of that, this was her break out hit on her own not being tied down to 2NE1 anymore.  We saw that CL could do her own thing and it was GOOD.

29. Warm Hole – Brown Eyed Girls (2015)

Great rhythm, great feel, great vocals (these guys are always consistent), and overall a great song.  Known for being great singers, Brown Eyed Girls never cease to amaze me.  This song is fantastic, pure fun, and just a great time.  Kind of a weird song title…but we’ll let it slide.

28. Bad Drive – BoA (2007)

Unfortunately, this song didn’t have a music video to go with it, but honestly, this is such an amazing live performance from BoA that we don’t need a music video.  Her dancing is ON POINT here…it never gets old.  Also one damn funky tune.  Love this so much!!!

27. Bold and Delicious – Ayumi Hamasaki (2006)

While this song does have a fun music video (set in New York City), this live performance from 2011 is just as awesome because she performed it with a live orchestra (always a welcome bonus for me).  This is from the year that I saw her live (I saw her in December).  This song is just funky, has elements of gospel, and totally just grooves.  A very unique song by J-Pop standards and even a little different for Ayu herself.  She never disappoints!

26. Don’t Leave Me Alone – Ayumi Hamasaki (2008)

Another live performance to show off, but it’s one of my favourite performances of Ayu’s EVER, so I had to include it.  If you don’t enjoy this, then I don’t know what’s wrong with you.  Sexy, catchy, fun, and a great song overall.

25. Obsession – Brown Eyed Girls (2015)

This reminds me SO MUCH of Grace Jones’ ‘I’ve Seen That Face Before’ (which I LOVE), so when I heard this for the first time, I was instantly hooked.  I have no idea if that song is where they got their inspiration from, but regardless, this song is incredible.  I wish more songs in the west were like this.  A little creepy, a little uneasy, a little bit sexy, and honestly just interesting.

24. Gentleman – Psy (2013)

Do I really have to explain why I love this song so much?  I love Psy’s style and I am not afraid to say it.  They are fun pop songs – that’s it, FUN.  Some pop songs these days are so boring or forgettable, but Psy manages to create the most catchy songs that don’t irritate me.  You will be seeing more Psy!

By the way, does this dance look familiar?  That’s because it’s taken from the Abracadabra dance from Brown Eyed Girls (thus GAIN being in the MV!)!

23. Brave New World – Brown Eyed Girls (2015)

The disco influence in this song makes me LOVE it that much more.  They always have a disco vibe, but this one is so strong.  This could honestly be a song from the late 70s.  I love their use of strings and bass together.  These guys rock and the west could learn a few things from them.  Definitely the funkiest girl group out there.

22. Love of B – IU (2013)

I love old swing and jazz, so the moment I heard this song I was in love.  It’s so Django Reinhardt-influenced it’s insane.  Also, it’s something different.  It’s not normal pop music, and I am always interested by that.  IU is a great singer, but also has some very interesting songs.  This is by far my favourite out of her discography, but she is young, so I am looking forward to her future work.  I would love to hear a song like this from an arist in the west…I can only dream…

21. Crazy 4 U – Koda Kumi (2004)

Old school Koda Kumi at her finest.  A little risque, and oh so 00s!  One of the first songs I ever heard of Kuu-chan’s, Crazy 4 U is funky, sexy, and a great song to dance to.  She has never been able to top Ayu for me personally, but Koda Kumi is amazing in her own right.  The opening to this song seriously gets me pumped!!!

Click here for Songs 20-11!

Click here for Songs 40-31!
Click here for Songs 50-41!
Click here for Songs 60-51!
Click here for Songs 70-61!
Click here for Songs 80-71!
Click here for Songs 90-81!
Click here for Songs 100-91!

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